Letter from Executive Head Teacher & Head Teacher
Dear Parents and Carers,
Another very busy autumn term is drawing to a close and most of the children are very excited about the holidays and the various celebrations we are having both in school and at home.
Thank you so much for the support you have given both schools this term. Two particular highlights have been the Winter Fetes, on the last two Fridays and a special thank you must go to the newly formed Parent and Teacher Association who organised these. You will be aware that funding is very tight for schools currently and the several thousands pounds raised at the Fete’s will really help with resources such as books and other consumables. Please watch out for the totals raised in our plans to spend it in the next terms’ newsletters.
Other events have included the very well attended coffee mornings with the head teachers at the start of this term. We enjoyed robust debate and meeting many parents. So much so that in fact, that we attend to have a re run in the spring term, so watch this space.
In the last month there have been multiple performances in both schools ranging from Nativities with the littlest children, through to the Musical Concerts designed and produced by Mr Booth, with the help of the rest of the staff team. We know many of you have been thrilled to be in the audiences and as teachers we share your joy in your children’s achievements. Without your encouragement and support, children would not be able to make the most of their opportunities at school, so thank you for getting them there, ready to learn.
We wish everyone in the Marish and Willow communities a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We look forward to continuing to work in partnership with you in 2025 and welcoming all the children back at the usual times on Tuesday 7th January.
Miss Court and Mrs Denham
Marish Primary School
Swabey Road
Tel: 01753 819900
email: officemarish@marishandwillow.co.uk
Willow Primary School
Tel: 01753 551854
What is GDPR?
GDPR is the new data protection law framework for Europe and has taken effect from May 25th 2018.
This law replaces the 1995 data protection directive, in which the current UK law is based on. Marish Academy Trust's Data Protection Officer (DPO) is Nicola Cook. They are contactable via the following email address: nicolacook@schoolsdpo.com

TTRS Gold Awards

International School Award

School Readers

School Games Gold

NPQH Leadership

Creative Development

Children’s Unversity